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Welcome, and thank you for visiting Antioch Baptist Church online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ.  If you are not able to be with us on Sunday morning, please join us through our online worship service.

Our Beliefs


Here at Antioch we believe it is vitally important for our spiritual health to know what we believe and why we profess to believe it.



Worship Service:   9:30 AM

Sunday School:  10:45 AM 

Wednesday Night Bible Study:   6:30 PM Fellowship Meal with Bible Study at 7:00.

This Week's Worship Service

Message: "Embracing DIscipleship: The Call to Follow Jesus"-- John 21:18-25

Mission Opportunities

Help build a new well in Malawi, Africa, through Operation SAVE (Missions 4 Jesus). Toss your change, bills, or checks into the well in the vestibule.

This Week


Last Week


If you have issues with online giving, please contact Wanda Little at 704-242-3519.

News & Announcements

February 22 – Navigators host OWLS Valentines Luncheon from 11:00 – 2:00pm

March 8 – Ladies Tea at Trinity Baptist Church from 11:00 – 1:30 pm (RSVP to Sonya Gaddy 704-282-5440)

March 15 - HOBO Supper at 5pm

March 22nd and 23rd - Day of Encouragement

February Bulletin Typist:

Becky Hatley



We offer our deepest sympathy to Robbie & Jatana Moss and family in the loss of his father Robert Moss and to Ty Webb in the loss of his mother Sonya Webb.

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Text “RightNow ANTIOCHNC” to the number 41-411 

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